MyDivorcePapers Blog

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Post-Divorce Co-Parenting: It Can Work

After divorce, it’s the parent’s job to level out the field for the children, not vice versa. As an ex-spouse you might be a complete wreck, but as a newly single parent you are going to have to be a complete rock. But for a child of divorce there should…

5 Steps Toward Successful Alimony

Alimony, or spousal support as it is commonly known as, is the payment of funds from one spouse to another when there is a dissolution of marriage. During the divorce filing and the process itself, a judge will decide on alimony payments and have both parties sign off on all…

Divorce and Debt: Avoiding Post-Divorce Financial Problems

Society does not sit around and wait for an economic resurgence. We all continue on with our lives, striving to make our own place in this great nation and pursuing our right to life, liberty and happiness. While the first two in that list are inherent, the last one is…

Divorce Heard Around the World: How the U.S. Stacks Up

Living in such a diverse country, we can often get lost in the way our culture operates as opposed to other countries around the world. When it comes to divorce, we often to assume that the United States has to be in the lead compared to the rest of the…

Divorce Advice: How to Announce Your Divorce

When people think about divorce they always forget the part about telling people. Just like with good news, bad news must have out, and it usually isn’t too much fun. You’ll find it hard to just tell people in passing that you got a divorce because the news will start…

Minnesota Divorce Law: Underwater Homes and Asset Distribution

About a decade ago, nearly every divorce in which involved a home provided the couple some equity value in that home, which was then to be divided as part of the divorce settlement.  Home equity is the difference between the home’s fair market value and the outstanding balance of all…

Understanding Fault vs. No Fault Divorce

There are two different methods when obtaining a divorce; fault and no fault. Traditionally, in many states, fault divorces were the standard, meaning, a couple could not get a divorce unless there was some good reason for doing so. Prior to no-fault divorce being adopted into law for each state,…

Single Parent Dating in the Post Divorce World

Starting over in the post divorce world with kids can be a daunting task. New house, shared custody, support payments, and general upheaval of what was once your life can wreak havoc on our daily routines. The optimist in us will say this is a second chance, a reset and…

Children And Divorce: Keeping the Holiday Cheer

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, and all that jazz. In post-divorce life, the holidays can seem like nothing more than a cruel joke, especially for families who have recently gone through a divorce. Even if your divorce wasn’t too nasty or filled with resentment, the holidays throw every recent…

Community Property States: Are You Divorcing in One?

With any divorce, there comes a division of assets, properties, and debts. This is unfortunately just one of the many detailed and intricate things that go into divorce itself. There are certain laws and regulations that specify just how property is to be divided and what property is actually defined…

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