MyDivorcePapers Blog

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Scary Facts About Kids, Marriage, and Divorce

The amount of studies done on children and divorce have reached cliché levels in today’s society. But, just because they reached astronomical proportions the severity of the situation isn’t decreased. General statistics can be taken many different ways and eschewed to benefit whoever is promoting the particular statistic s at…

Breaking Down Alimony

When a couple decides to dissolve their marriage, the process is not as cut and dry as one might think. Assets, finances, and other factors all come into play when coming to an agreement between spouses. One of the biggest hot button issues when discussing a divorce is that of…

Knowing Your Rights Before the Divorce Process

Divorces are life altering events. Knowing what is happening, what you are entitled to, and how to get these things throughout the process is something that anyone going through the divorce process should know. The more informed someone is about their situation, the better they will be able to navigate…

Gender Equality In Divorce Proceedings

Gender equality has come a long way since the generation of our parents. Women’s rights continue to be an evolving platform to gain equality for women everywhere. From work place equality to individual social rights, the fight for gender equality can take many shapes and spawn many passionate debates.  And…

Mediation & The Role of the Mediator

One of  the many stipulations of filing for a divorce in the majority of the U.S states is that a couple first tries to settle their differences before finalizing the divorce itself. This is so the courts can validate that both parties properly attempted to reconcile their differences, but failed,…

Baby Boomers Continue to Skew Divorce Stats

Every time there is a change in statistics we always forecast doom and gloom, as if every slight tick out of the norm is just first sign of drastic change. The avalanche effect can be seen in businesses across the board when it comes to stocks and the unpredictability of…

Sexual Orientation a Factor in Post-Divorce Rulings?

There have been many arguments, and there continues to be an abundance of cases with a very new agenda piling up in divorce courts. When spouses of the same sex are involved, the cases tend to be a little trickier than the cases involving spouses of the opposite sex. It…

Recession & Divorce

The United States was officially considered out of a recession back in 2011. However, the slow and steady rebuilding process is still very much in effect. With the presidential election come and gone, the issues concerning the rebuilding of this nation have come into center stage even more, if it’s…

Child Support & Taxes Video

Divorce is a delicate situation, but when children are in the picture, divorce becomes much more complicated. Child support is an intricate system, but it becomes even more confusing when tax season rolls around. If you have access to all the facts and information you can make the best decisions…

Gay Marriage & the 2012 Election

Gay marriage, a hotly debated and deeply emotionally-charged subject, has once again come to the forefront on election night. Depending on your definition of marriage, marriage equality, regardless of sexual preference, took a huge step forward last night. For the first time in American history, a ballot measure to legalize…

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