MyDivorcePapers Blog

We're here to make your life easier to manage and to help you begin your new start.

The Taxing Side of Divorce: Filing Status

The only topic people hate more than divorce is taxes, and aren’t you lucky to be reading a blog about both! Fake enthusiasm aside, since your situation has changed, your taxes must follow suit. So if you don’t want to get swindled or worse (is ignorance an acceptable excuse for…

A Nod to Single Fathers

Our blog has been in uproar lately over the rights of single mothers. Single mothers live under a powerful, life-altering stigma, but that’s not to say single fathers have it much easier. It’s high time we championed the plight of the single fathers, and that’s what we intend to do.…

Itchy Relationships

We’ve all heard of the seven-year itch, and as adults we each have our own opinions about its existence. Some committed people live in fear of the clock striking that magical number of years when the relationship will crumble, and I guess that’s why I don’t buy into the seven-year…

“A.C.O.D.” Is a Must-See for A.C.O.D.

There has been lots of speculation about what affects people most in divorce. Are people most hurt by the inherent fracture of a family, or are they affected by the manner of the split? This is a question many people are currently struggling with, like social scientists, psychologists, and movie…

Society VS Single Mothers, Part 3

The single mother stigma and prejudice has a long history, as we established in Part 1. The presence of a single mother has almost always caused society to defensively bare its teeth and warily back away. However, this has created an imbalance of social mobility for single mothers and their…

Society VS Single Mothers, Part 2

As we were discussing in our last blog, single mothers have a hard line to tow. Beyond the daily childcare, housekeeping, and bread-winning, single mothers must face the inherent stigma of being “a single mother.”  Society either pities or condemns single mothers just for caring for their children in the…

Society VS Single Mothers, Part 1

When old-world topics of gossip and shame surface the usual response is, “This is the 21st century!” This is the response I was expecting when I saw a blog entitled “Single Mothers Are to Blame for Sons’ Poor Grades? Our Readers Weigh In.” Boy, was I mistaken. Of course, the…

Divorce Reminds Us of Change

Divorce reminds most people of things like tearful nights alone, long custody battles, and villainous mistresses. But when we see headlines in Reuters like “Pakistani women turn to once-taboo divorce to escape abuse,” divorce beings to remind us of different things. Divorce begins to remind us of things like women’s…

To Cowardly Co-Parents Needing Courage

In 2013, humans live in an increasingly technologically dependent world, which is not always a horrible thing. Technology allows people to connect and stay connected on opposing poles of the earth, and technology has enabled doctors to treat patients better than ever. But technology is affecting one of the most…

Bite-Sized Divorce Advice

If you hadn’t heard, January marks the beginning of the divorce rush. In the past, attorneys and divorce lawyers have noticed an influx of clients after the New Year, extending into the beginning of February. Some attribute the sudden spike in divorce to couples waiting until after the holiday to…

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