MyDivorcePapers Blog

We're here to make your life easier to manage and to help you begin your new start.

A Marriage Agreement and Business Contract

What if a marriage contract also came with a signed agreement stating chore delegation? Some argue it would solve much angst that results from one spouse (usually the wife) taking on the bulk of homemaking and childcare. That stress can very well lead to filing for divorce, hopefully combined with…

Same-Sex Divorce Troubles

The right for same-sex couples to marry is dependent on the state they live in, and so is their right to file for divorce. If they live in a state opposed to their marriage, the alternative to a court-approved divorce is dealing with the expensive costs of civil lawsuits just…

From Fairytale Weddings to Lavish Divorces

Normally, it’s not the best idea to advise couples to follow the marriage trends of celebrities. But when it comes to actress Keira Knightley’s recent under the radar wedding, that’s exactly what I will help do. Her low-key nuptials in the South of France barely raised a UK pound, let…

GUEST BLOG: The Increasing Rate of Baby Boomers Divorce

From 1990 to 2010, the divorce rate of Americans 50 years old and older increased by 150%. As reflected by U.S. Census data, in 1990 only 10% of divorces involved one or more of the parties being at least 50 years old. By 2010 that number had increased to 25%.…

Divorce and Communication of Contempt

Many speculators cite communication problems as the cause of breaking down relationships on the bumpy dirt road that leads to filing for divorce. Poor communication skills and habits can be the result of cultural influences ranging from familial upbringing to societal/media trends of language and gender dynamics. Whatever the cause,…

Growing Into Parenting Plans

Last Tuesday we discussed The Basics of Creating a Parenting Plan, including the basic terminology. As we emphasized, and re-emphasized, each family needs their own parenting plan because each family is different. But as children grow, their parenting plan should too. We aren’t trying to tell parents how to raise…

Dating After Divorce: Leaving the Past Behind

All of us have a romantic past containing at least a few woes and regrets, especially if divorce is sitting distractingly in that looming past. But when it comes to entering the dating game to seek new love, those events should safely remain in the distant background. Although previous experiences…

The Basics of Creating a Parenting Plan

Like delicate snowflakes, every person (and family) is different, which is exactly why there is no one-size-fits-all parenting plan. Although the term “parenting plan” sounds like divorcing parents are given a set of parenting tips and instructions, that’s not the case. In the most basic explanation, a parenting plan outlines…

Children’s Attachment and Effects of Divorce

The divorce process is hard for everyone involved, but perhaps even more so for children. The already vulnerable state of children makes emotional trauma all the more potent and powerful enough to affect other aspects of a child’s life and growth. In particular, the emotional trauma of separation from a…

The Birds and The Humans: Monogamy Lessons

Whenever you teach a child about the birds and the bees, you’re being a lot more accurate than you may realize. It turns out that human mating has more in common with birds than most fellow mammals, besides the loving prairie vole mammals of course. Birds and prairie voles are…

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