MyDivorcePapers Blog

We're here to make your life easier to manage and to help you begin your new start.

ACA And The ‘Marriage Penalty’ Could Force Couples Out Of Marriage, Critics Claim

It’s been a tumultuous month for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) following a botched rollout that has included disastrously low enrollment estimates, a poorly “working” website, and health insurance policy cancellations that forced President Obama to issue an apology to the estimated millions of Americans losing their coverages as a…

Pope Francis Calls For Unprecedented Survey

Under Pope Francis, the Vatican has just done something unprecedented. The vicar has called for a survey “to discuss the family to find out what Catholics really think about its teaching on marriage and family life,” according to a new report from the BBC. The news site reported that Pope…

New Study Reveals Top 10 Divorce Capitals Of The United States

The most commonly cited reasons for divorce are financial problems, domestic/substance abuse, and infidelity. However, a new online divorce study from the American Community Survey and the Daily Beast would seem to indicate that geography may play a role as well. According to the statistical data, Panama City, Florida, is…

‘Good Divorce’ And The Bad It Can Cause

In a recent column for USA Today, contributor and former counselor Diane Medved attacked the idea that there can be such thing as a “good divorce.” “The message seems simple,” wrote Medved. “With the right attitude, divorce can lead to a relatively pleasant mélange of happily combined relatives. But that…

Colorado Man Would Rather Dump Fortune Than Agree To Fair Settlement

Before you delve in to the story we’re about to share, know it should be taken with a huge grain of salt. We’ll tell you why in a moment. But here’s the setup: A 52-year-old man in Colorado Springs was in the midst of finalizing divorce papers with his wife, and decided…

Don’t Want A Divorce? Get A College Degree.

Okay, so it isn’t foolproof — I have a college degree and have gone through one myself — but new findings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics have revealed that if you want to avoid the divorce papers, you have better chances if you’re a college grad (provided you’re also…

Filing For Divorce With An Incarcerated Spouse — Is It Really That Different?

Filing for divorce is difficult for all spouses, whether they’re going the cheaper online divorce route or locked in a prolonged courtroom combat. Each situation has its own set of challenges that the spouse must consider as they think about the next step. One of the less common divorce motivators…

Divorce Contagion: That’s Right, It May Be Infectious

The decision to file for divorce may be contagious, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Brown University. The findings revealed that if couples are friends with other couples going through a divorce, they are 75 percent more likely to experience one for themselves. Furthermore, if their friends…

The Five Steps Of Cold Feet: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Uncertainty

Getting cold feet is a good sign that you should not commit to a relationship, according to a recent study from UCLA. Researchers found that more people filed divorce forms and fewer reported self-satisfaction when uncertainty was present from the very start of a relationship or marriage. This news begs…

The Fatal Four Causes Of Divorce: If Your Marriage Is Over, This Is Probably Why

Couples file for divorce for a variety of reasons, and while the explanations can often get a bit tricky, they usually boil down to four main causes — commonly referred to as “the fatal four” by divorce attorneys and relationship experts. These causes tend to stem from substance abuse, financial…

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