MyDivorcePapers Blog

We're here to make your life easier to manage and to help you begin your new start.

Fear Of Failure: How To Overcome It After Divorce

In a recent post for, the site went over its ten rules for the Divorce Grieving Cycle. These included the following: denial, anger/betrayal, panic/negotiation, humiliation/fear of failure/looking bad, despair, loss/grief/depression, space/nothingness, acceptance, responsibility/forgiveness, and gratitude. While you may never experience all of these when signing the divorce papers, the…

Thankful For Divorce: A Not-So-Surprising Trend

In a recent article on Huffington Post, the site asked readers to tell why they were thankful for making the decision to file for divorce. On Thanksgiving Day, they culled and published 25 of the best responses. Some examples: 1. “I am thankful for becoming the person that I am.…

Can Life Tracking Help You Cope With Divorce?

Life tracking. It’s a relatively new concept in which individuals use apps and other forms of technology to form data on their behaviors, which can then be used for insight. It was only a matter of time before someone used the idea to track their progress after the divorce papers…

Drinking And Non-Drinking Couples Have Equal Chance Of Staying Together

New research shows that couples who drink heavily and couples who don’t drink at all share the same rate when it comes to deciding whether to file for divorce, according to UPI. It’s only when one spouse drinks heavily and the other does not that the marriage success rate falls.…

Marriage Lessons That Divorcees Learn Too Late

When you make the decision to file for divorce (or your spouse files on you), the emotions involved can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, it’s often during these times that you learn the most valuable lessons about marriage that would have come in handy if you would have been aware of them…

Keeping Separate Finances

Keeping Separate Finances: Why It’s A Great Idea For Couples

When you are first getting married, you’ll hear a lot of advice on what you should and shouldn’t do in order to have a “good” marriage. One of the nuggets that a lot of old-timers state — at least my parents did — is that you should combine finances as…

Love Under Fire: Is It Really A Bad Reason To Marry?

A new post making the rounds online from Psychology Today has stirred up quite a controversy. In “Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Marry For Love,” author Susan Pease Gadoua, L.C.S.W. and author of the books Contemplating Divorce and Stronger Day By Day, deconstructs the idea that “love is all we…

Why Divorced Couples With Children Should Stay Out Of Court

When a marriage is on the fast track to divorce, couples have a tendency to first react by seeking their own legal representation. Attorneys can be incredibly helpful in highly combative divorces, and it seems that the more there is to lose, the more necessary they become. This is especially…

Dating During Divorce — Good Idea?

Recently, a person was asking me about whether it’s a good idea to date during a divorce. While there are many schools of thought on this topic, my own personal experience, as well as the experiences of those I’ve observed over the years, is a resounding “Heck no.” Here’s why.…

More Fiscal Findings Related To Divorce

A recent study from Kansas State University confirmed what common knowledge has known for quite some time — finances are the biggest reason that a couple decides to file for divorce. However, KSU went a bit further in its survey of 4,500 couples and discovered some further reasons for why…

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