MyDivorcePapers Blog

We're here to make your life easier to manage and to help you begin your new start.

Can You Be Taxed For Your Ex’s Health Insurance?

Couples who are working through their divorce papers will have to face several issues when negotiating a final agreement. In the past, one of the “lighter” loads of this process has been that of health insurance adjustments. These are typically spelled out in the final decree, but what isn’t always…

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Living Alone

When you’re mulling whether to file for divorce, one common fear that will occur to you is the fear of being alone. Once you’re used to someone else always being there, the thought of no longer having them to shoulder some of the burdens may give cause for trepidation, even…

The Best Things About Divorce From A Survivor

In a recent Huffington Post blog, superwoman/blogger Lizzy Smith took aim at the 10 best things about divorce. Smith is an interesting person to speak on the subject because hers came at one of the toughest times of her life. She’d been diagnosed with multiple myeloma while dealing with an…

Can Your Social Media Accounts Predict Divorce?

Social data is a phenomenon that has only been around for about 10 to 15 years, but what we can already tell from it is rather fascinating (or scary, depending on your viewpoint). Take the rate with which people file for divorce or change their relationship status. Recently, Adrien Friggeri…

Do You Fear Being Alone? (More Than 33 Percent Will Say Yes.)

A new study reported by the Huffington Post has revealed that more than one in three Americans fear ending up alone in spite of the fact that most have been/are in committed relationships. The survey was conducted among 2,000 participants and was conducted jointly by TODAY and AOL. In it,…

‘Card-Carrying Liberal’ Defends Waiting Period For Divorce

Responding to a recent article by Pamela White, entitled “Defending Divorce,” self-professed “liberal, card-carrying Democrat” Michele Weiner-Davis has taken issue with the idea that the decision to file for divorce should be made easier on couples. In the piece, published first on Weiner-Davis’ “Divorce Busting” blog, the author argues that…

Divorce And Social Security

Divorce And Social Security: Not So Fast!

If you’ve decided to file for divorce, or maybe you’re going through one right now through no preference of your own, then there will be many financial questions arise as to how certain things will be affected moving forward. In a recent article for MarketWatch, columnist Robert Powell took aim…

The More Money She Makes, The Higher The Divorce Rate

Recently, the website Priceonomics dusted off a 10-year-old study on the effects of a wife as contributor to the household income and how that correlates to the likelihood of filing divorce papers. According to the website, the study, which examined Swedish marriage data, found that divorce risks increased as wives…

Divorce Improves Your Credit Score?

A new study first reported by MarketWatch points out an interesting result regarding the credit scores of individuals who file for divorce. They actually go up! While this may seem counterintuitive considering the high cost of many divorces — filing divorce forms with an attorney, for instance, can cost more…

Canadian Divorce Depends More On Finances Than Fidelity [Survey]

Canadian couples are more likely to file for divorce over finances than infidelity, according to a new online survey from the Bank of Montreal. In the findings — taken from a sample of 1,001 Canadian citizens aged 18 and up — pollsters determined that 68 percent would file divorce papers…

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