MyDivorcePapers Blog

We're here to make your life easier to manage and to help you begin your new start.

More Sexually Experienced People Report Less Satisfaction With Their Marriages [Study]

A new study making the rounds on the Internet reveals that people report less satisfaction with their marriages whenever they’ve had a large number of sexual partners before saying, “I do.” While it doesn’t necessarily guarantee that one will file for divorce against their partner, it is concerning. The National…

Key Factors In Winning Relocation Rights For Your Children

When you decide to file for divorce, we can help you speed up the process and spend less money. But there are certain things you’ll still want to consult an attorney on, particularly when it comes to relocating your children. In a recent article for Huffington Post, contributor Caroline Choi…

Your Spouse Cheated: What Comes Next?

So you’ve decided to file for divorce due to a spouse’s infidelity. Right now you’re probably thinking that you’re done with relationships for the rest of your life. Most of us who’ve experienced this feel the same way. And while love doesn’t necessarily come back around quickly, it is possible…

4 Worst Dating Stories Ever

So you thought the decision to file for divorce was as tough as life got, eh? Well, don’t let your guard down when you go back onto the dating scene. It’s one filled with liars, cheapskates, players, and more. We don’t want to discourage you, but we do want to…

How To Keep Yourself From Divorcing The Children

When mom and dad decide to file for divorce, it can make life incredibly difficult on the children. Kids start to feel like they share some guilt in the breakup, even though that isn’t the case. And as you attempt to get your own life on track, it’s possible to…

Back-To-School Tips For Divorced Parents

After you’ve decided to file for divorce, you think the hard part’s over — unless you’re a parent. Parents know how difficult it can be to maintain a civil relationship with each other while also doing what’s best for their child and attempting to implement their own unique parenting styles.…

Breaking Divorce, Part Three: Formulating A Strategy

If you’ve decided that you want to file for divorce, you’re going to have to be clear and effective when it comes to communicating that to your spouse. However, it’s important that you choose the right time and that you don’t blindside your spouse, as we’ve discussed in previous entries.…

Breaking Divorce, Part Two: How To Choose The Right Time

Deciding to file for divorce is the easy part. It gets a lot tougher when you want to take that decision and turn it into reality. In order to do it, you’ll need to know when and how to break the news to your spouse. In a recent Huffington Post…

Breaking Divorce: Why You Should Never Blindside Your Spouse

Today, we’d like to begin a short series on the art of telling your spouse that you want to file for divorce. It’s difficult to know when the right time is, but how you go about it can make all the difference in the world for how difficult the process…

Why You Shouldn’t Rush Recovery In A Divorce

If you have had to file for divorce — or if you’re the unwilling participant in a divorce — you’re going to need time to recover. Unfortunately, many people try to force-feed themselves recovery as if it were a dish they could devour and once again feel full. Divorce has…

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