A new Gallup poll released in August looked at how many Americans wanted marriage, and how many viewed it as important. The results revealed that a majority of Americans were currently marred at 54 percent, while 21 percent wanted to take the vows but just weren’t there yet, and 20 percent were previously married and had ended up filing for divorce.
Only five percent identified as “never married and do not want to get married.”
Millennials Views On Getting Married
While the 18 to 34 age group — often identified as “millennials” showed the highest unwillingness to get married, the percentage still came in at just nine percent. Twenty-eight percent of millennials were already married and 56 percent wanted to get married at some point in the future. Seven percent were previously married, but had since signed divorce papers.
These findings indicate that marriage is still a major priority throughout the US, and that millennials still believe they will find happiness in another person. Unfortunately, this group faces a much tougher road to success.
Why Millennials May Want To Rethink Their Decision
By far the biggest reason for any group to think twice about getting married is the current state of the economy, which is especially hard on millennials.
The country has fallen behind in education. It’s competing on a global scale for a limited number of jobs, many of which require skills that aren’t being adequately taught in the US. College loan debt is much higher now than it’s ever been, and a shrinking supply of jobs makes it incredibly difficult for graduates to ever pay their way out.
Furthermore, financial hardship is far and away the number one reason that most couples get a divorce in the first place.
Why Millennials Should Get Married Anyway
Yes, economic times aren’t what they should be. Yes, financial trouble can cause a rift that leads to divorce. But if you’re a millennial, here’s why you should get married anyway.
You’re more than just a number. Statistics are one thing. Situations are another. Don’t let the failures of a large group of faceless people dictate your ability to commit to another person.
This, too, shall pass. The American people are resilient and have always found their way through troubling times. Maybe things had to get worse before they could get better a few times, but they always have, and today’s world is no exception.
The institution is about family. Sure, you could have a single-parent family, but that’s not what most people aspire to, and raising children is hard to do with another person, never mind alone. By committing to marriage, taking the vows, and having children, you’re doing your part to keep society running along, and you may just find that special someone with whom you can share the rest of your life.
As an online divorce service, we often see marriage at its end, but that doesn’t mean it’s an institute not worth the risk. Be mindful of the statistics, but don’t allow yourself to become one of them.
It may be impractical to marry at a time of declining economy but it doesn’t mean the couples couldn’t do it and survive. They just have to work hard for it and they will surely reap what they sow.