Relationship advice and people who give advice about relationships are two subjects that conjure up lots of tense moments and charged silences. Well, one Huffington Post blog, entitled “Women: 5 Reasons Your Divorce is Your Fault,” combines both of those uncomfortable topics most people wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole connected to another ten foot pole. The title alone is enough to attract the people intrigued by the topic and enraged by the title. So without further ado, let’s get into the middle of this blogging mess.
Why the Title?
The author of the blog, Laura Doyle, is coincidentally a New York Times best-selling author, intimacy coach, and world renown relationship expert. She seems overly qualified to write such an article, knowledgeable of the topic, and intelligent, so why choose an inflaming title? Well, because she’s intelligent and she knows the more outrageous the title is, the more people will read the article. Yet most people use the outrageous title as a bait and switch, which Doyle certainly did not. The article really is about how women can and should improve the relationship basically all by themselves.
Why Women?
Doyle states that women are “ones who have the power to make . . . relationships intimate.” Granted there are differences between men and women, but some (or most) people would see this ascertain as heavily sexist and rewinding the last few steps feminism has taken towards gender equality. Her books and website talk about women “surrendering” to their relationships and partners, which speaks to two conflicting thoughts:
What the Blog Says
The blog cites five ways women are ruining their relationships and driving them to filing divorce papers. Doyle has created five ways for a woman to adjust her attitude and approach to dealing with her partner. Doyle says adopting these methods for two weeks are all it takes to having a great marriage. Here they are:
There is much more we could say about the implications of Laura Doyle’s methods and philosophy, but for now we will hand over the spotlight. What are your thoughts about Doyle’s 5 ways women are sabotaging relationships?