Do you live in California and are wondering what the process is for getting a divorce? State laws can be complicated and often change on a frequent basis. If California is your home state, and you aren’t sure where to start in order to file for divorce, know these basic steps before proceeding.
What to know:
California is a “no-fault” state. This means that neither partner has to give a reason as to why the marriage is ending. The California Courts, or judicial branch of the state government, explains that regardless of infidelities or other factors, nobody is “at fault” in a divorce from a legal perspective. Therefore, you do not need to prove anything about your marriage to the courts.
Follow these steps:
If you have children under the age of 18, you will need to fill out the Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Form, which relates to custody issues. Also, see the Property Declaration Form, which provides extra room to disclose your financial information and personal debts.
For more details on the requirements pertaining to serving papers, visit the California Courts website. There are also optional temporary forms for child support and visitation rights, which may be applicable to you. These forms are also available on the California Courts website.
For detailed information on disclosure forms and which ones need to be submitted to your partner, and later, to the court, visit the Filing Your Case section of the California Courts website.
If you are a respondent to the divorce forms (i.e. you are receiving them), the process is a little different for you. You can find out further information and applicable forms here.
Ask for help: If you are confused about any part of this process or need assistance, talk to a certified facilitator or check out the self-help center to answer any of your questions. A team of experts will be happy to work with you so your divorce paperwork can be filed properly–so you can complete the process more quickly and avoid unnecessary stress.