Whether you were the one who decided to file for divorce or not, the act of ending a marriage will take some getting used to. After all, you’re going from living for two to setting all the rules and accepting all the responsibility of where you’re at in life. Some find post-divorce life more empowering and inspiring. I know I did when it happened to me.
Here are some of the ways that you’ll notice it can inspire you.
It forces you not to be complacent with your health.
When I had the divorce papers filed on me, I was a much larger version of my usually fit self. I’d gone from weighing 195 and having very little body fat to having a spare tire and 50 extra pounds. I guess you could say I’d grown complacent during those four years of marriage. After the divorce was final, I began losing weight and got back down to my initial weight, and it only took around six months.
It reminds you how great independence can be.
I was terrified that first night in the new apartment following my divorce. I didn’t know what would come next or how to be single. But I woke up the next day and the day after that, and started to rediscover things I used to like doing that I hadn’t in quite some time. I liked the silence, being able to call the shots as to what was on TV, listening to my music. Before long, I started to realize just how positive that “darkest day of my life” had been.
It gives you the chance to reevaluate your life and set a new course.
If you had hopes, dreams, or goals that you were never able to accomplish, finalizing your divorce forms can be that extra kick in the pants to go after them and salvage all those lost aspirations. Just make sure you get it right this time, and don’t let anyone else stand in your way!