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Category Archives: Life After Divorce

Divorce & Financial Planning: We All Need Help

As a novice with no training, crunching numbers can be a tedious process. It’s even more stressful when you’re looking at your own assets and trying to gauge a budget or plan for the future. Divorce in today’s world can really do damage to a nuclear families financial situation. Jobs,…

October 4th, 2012 Divorce and Finances, Divorce Settlement, Life After Divorce

Impossibility of Digital Disconnection in Divorce

The phrase “you have to move on” generally is one of the first or second things people say when they try to comfort someone about an emotional schism in their life. Moving on can be applied to many facets of our reality, and some more important than others.  Our psychological…

October 3rd, 2012 Divorce and Social Media, Life After Divorce
Contacting Your Child on the Ex's Time

Home Alone: Contacting Your Child on the Ex’s Time

Your divorce may be just beginning, mid-way completed, or finalized, and you’re sitting at home, all alone one night. You’re unnerved by the silence, and you suddenly feel a sharp pang in your heart. It’s not a heart attack, you’re just missing your child, who is visiting your ex. Ignoring…

October 1st, 2012 Divorce Parenting, Life After Divorce

How Mother’s Manage Post-Divorce Relationships

The effects of divorce, especially on children, has been well documented. The divorce process is painful enough and often lingers on into other phases of our lives, but eventually we need to move on. Whether emotionally ready or not, we will all start thinking about what to do next. Human…

September 29th, 2012 Divorce and Children, Life After Divorce
Dating Tips for Recently Divorced Men

Re-entering the Wild: Dating Tips for Recently Divorced Men

It’s was a jungle out there when you married however long ago, and it’s still a jungle now that you’re divorced. But just because you’re divorced doesn’t mean you should throw yourself back out into the hunting ground that is the dating scene. Dating is still the enigma and flash…

September 25th, 2012 Life After Divorce

Children & Divorce: When Dissolution Is the Best Solution

We recently covered the topic of children and divorce, and in particular  divorce from the child’s perspective. No one will ever argue that the affect of divorce on children is negligible, but by the same token there are cases in which the home environment is one of such contention, that the…

September 23rd, 2012 Divorce and Children, Life After Divorce

Celebrating Divorce with an Unbridled Shower, aka a Divorce Party

The stigma attached to divorce is that of failure, of sadness and of heartbreak. We often see divorce depicted in everyday life as something that is awful and soul crushing. It’s rare to see someone completely happy with divorce, granted, there are those who welcome the notion of a disillusioned…

September 19th, 2012 Life After Divorce

Divorce Advice; Life After Divorce Made Easier Via Amicability

Although our New York divorce forms video, which has only recently been released, provides a great primer on how to get a divorce in New York, there are some things that people forget when going through the divorce process that extend beyond the law and into the realm of civil…

August 28th, 2012 Divorce Advice, Life After Divorce

Filing for Divorce; An End to a New Beginning

In today’s fast-paced world, it really should not come as a surprise that marriages have kept up that same pace.  So many people have been issued divorce forms that people are now beginning to see their first marriages as so-called “starter marriages”.  In this context, a starter marriage is the one…

August 23rd, 2012 File For Divorce, Life After Divorce
Back to School Tips for Newly Divorced Parents

Back to School Tips for Newly Divorced Parents

The kids going off to school after summer is tough for any parent, but for those who have recently completed and processed their online divorce forms, the experience can be a lot more emotional.  It might also get you thinking, though, about what this new school year means for you…

August 21st, 2012 Divorce Parenting, Life After Divorce

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