Take a look around at friends and family, or yourself, and you’re likely to see people breaking up and filing for divorce left and right, or never settling down in the first place. Is this a new phenomenon? Is modern society plagued with too many single people searching for and…
It might be fun to work professionally with your husband or wife, but what happens if you divorce? Awkward. I can imagine tensions running high as unspoken anger and resentment threaten to blow up the building. However, especially when spouses own a business together, staying professionally involved after filing for…
Out of all the trials we might endure in life, divorce is one of the toughest. Losing a spouse through the divorce process, even if it was desired, is comparable to losing a loved one to death, since you go from seeing that person every day to almost never, in…
Last Tuesday we discussed The Basics of Creating a Parenting Plan, including the basic terminology. As we emphasized, and re-emphasized, each family needs their own parenting plan because each family is different. But as children grow, their parenting plan should too. We aren’t trying to tell parents how to raise…
All of us have a romantic past containing at least a few woes and regrets, especially if divorce is sitting distractingly in that looming past. But when it comes to entering the dating game to seek new love, those events should safely remain in the distant background. Although previous experiences…
The title above not only refers to a delightful Beatles song, it’s also a question that many filing for divorce might ask themselves at one point or another. In our love-struck culture, filled with thousands of songs and movies buzzing on the topic, it can be easy jumping to a…
If you have ever had your heart stomped on, or even dented, you probably have tried your hand at some sort of creative outlet. Maybe you found painting or playing an instrument (or an experimental art mixture of the two) to be just the kind of right brain exercise you…
Understanding how a traumatic event, such as heartbreak, affects a person biologically can sometimes help the sufferer cope. Thanks to studies in neuroscience, this theory is readily available to put into practice. It turns out that the body’s reaction to social rejection likely originates from the brain’s response to physical…
Among the most important, if not the most important, parts of moving on after a divorce or breakup is the quality of grief you let yourself experience and the success of your recovery that follows. Filing for divorce or ending a relationship is similar to a death. And similar to…
There tends to be two basic coping mechanisms following abrupt, and at many times difficult, changes in one’s life. The fight-or-flight response summarizes them well. In the fight response, you take the change head on, courageously facing the issues that arise as you fight to keep your head above water.…