Canadian couples are more likely to file for divorce over finances than infidelity, according to a new online survey from the Bank of Montreal. In the findings — taken from a sample of 1,001 Canadian citizens aged 18 and up — pollsters determined that 68 percent would file divorce papers…
According to author Kathleen Gerson, in her 2010 study The Unfinished Revolution, close to 75 percent of women would rather file for divorce and go it alone than forsake their careers to become homemakers. Meanwhile, Gerson adds, men and women are in near-lockstep to preferring an egalitarian marriage (or one…
In an episode of the hit TV series “Seinfeld,” Jerry is dating a woman, whom he ends up breaking it off with over the way she ate her peas. “She eats her peas one at a time,” Seinfeld tells best bud George Costanza. “I’ve seen her eat corn niblets, but…
Filing for divorce is difficult for all spouses, whether they’re going the cheaper online divorce route or locked in a prolonged courtroom combat. Each situation has its own set of challenges that the spouse must consider as they think about the next step. One of the less common divorce motivators…
Couples file for divorce for a variety of reasons, and while the explanations can often get a bit tricky, they usually boil down to four main causes — commonly referred to as “the fatal four” by divorce attorneys and relationship experts. These causes tend to stem from substance abuse, financial…
When you specialize in helping clients learn how to file for divorce, you tend to hear a lot of what goes on in the world of troubled marriages. Particularly odd are some of the grounds for divorce stories that you see turn up in the news. One recent case pointed…
It may be surprising to learn that as acceptance has grown for less traditional marital, relationship, and divorce trends, nationally surveyed views about infidelity are getting stricter. Gay marriage? Sure. Premarital sex? Of course. Repetitive divorce? If that’s what you need to be happy. Cheating on your spouse? No way.…
There are two different methods when obtaining a divorce; fault and no fault. Traditionally, in many states, fault divorces were the standard, meaning, a couple could not get a divorce unless there was some good reason for doing so. Prior to no-fault divorce being adopted into law for each state,…
We understand for those of you living in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and other parts of Texas that life has been a little rougher now that you are thinking of filing for divorce, and trust us, we understand. But before you begin to file Texas divorce forms, do you know on what…