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Category Archives: Divorce Settlement

Mediation & The Role of the Mediator

One of  the many stipulations of filing for a divorce in the majority of the U.S states is that a couple first tries to settle their differences before finalizing the divorce itself. This is so the courts can validate that both parties properly attempted to reconcile their differences, but failed,…

November 11th, 2012 Divorce Process, Divorce Settlement

Sexual Orientation a Factor in Post-Divorce Rulings?

There have been many arguments, and there continues to be an abundance of cases with a very new agenda piling up in divorce courts. When spouses of the same sex are involved, the cases tend to be a little trickier than the cases involving spouses of the opposite sex. It…

November 9th, 2012 Divorce and Children, Divorce Settlement

Divorce & Finances Video Blog

Depending on the state in which the spouses reside and are filing in, their property and financial division will fall under community property or equitable distribution. Knowing who will retain ownership of finances, assets, and property will make the divorce process that much easier when the times comes. Having all…

November 6th, 2012 Divorce and Finances, Divorce Settlement

The Changed Face of Alimony

Up until 1979, alimony was only awarded to (ex)wives, and not to husbands. Now, you may think that the times were different and women didn’t really have the rights or means to be able to fully support their husbands once divorced. This is partially correct, but this was also the…

October 30th, 2012 Divorce Law, Divorce Settlement, Spousal Support

How Mediation Helps

The divorce process presents many areas in which discrepancies can arise between a separating couple. Some people can amicably come together to discuss their divorce and how to appropriately divide their assets. Many couples, however, cannot constructively discuss and readily agree to the division of their property and assets. Mediation…

October 29th, 2012 Divorce Process, Divorce Settlement

Visitation Rights Informational Video

You and your spouse may be thinking of divorce, or may be starting the divorce process, and are unsure of what it will mean for your family. Each family is unique in structure, size, and style, but when divorce is brought into the picture one thing is certain: the family…

October 26th, 2012 Child Custody, Divorce Settlement, Divorce Videos

Collaborative Law vs. Mediation

When a divorce is decided upon, many states have a clause under family law that couples must first go to mediation to try to settle any problems and potentially reconcile and save the marriage. This is especially the case if the couple have been together for 10 years or more,…

October 25th, 2012 Divorce Process, Divorce Settlement

Custody Arrangements Video Blog

There are many factors that affect custody arrangements. The best and most reasonable arrangements should be decided upon by both parents in order for a smooth transition for any children involved. This also eliminates any

October 24th, 2012 Child Custody, Divorce Settlement, Divorce Videos

Community Property Video Blog

The dissolution of marriage brings about many changes for all involved. Deciding who gets what as far as assets, finances, and property can often be the most stressful and difficult part of the entire process. Property is defined as something that a person legally owns. When two people enter into…

October 23rd, 2012 Divorce Law, Divorce Settlement

5 Steps Toward Successful Alimony

Alimony, or spousal support as it is commonly known as, is the payment of funds from one spouse to another when there is a dissolution of marriage. During the divorce filing and the process itself, a judge will decide on alimony payments and have both parties sign off on all…

October 10th, 2012 Divorce Settlement, Spousal Support

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