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Category Archives: Divorce Advice

Bad Divorce Advice: If You Hear These Phrases, Ignore

The Huffington Post Divorce team recently queried their Facebook and Twitter followers for information on the worst advice to those who’ve decided to file for divorce. Reading through the 15 examples, it’s scary how much of this I heard when going through my own divorce several years ago. If I…

September 26th, 2014 Divorce Advice

Breaking Divorce, Part Two: How To Choose The Right Time

Deciding to file for divorce is the easy part. It gets a lot tougher when you want to take that decision and turn it into reality. In order to do it, you’ll need to know when and how to break the news to your spouse. In a recent Huffington Post…

August 6th, 2014 Divorce Advice

Breaking Divorce: Why You Should Never Blindside Your Spouse

Today, we’d like to begin a short series on the art of telling your spouse that you want to file for divorce. It’s difficult to know when the right time is, but how you go about it can make all the difference in the world for how difficult the process…

August 4th, 2014 Divorce Advice

11 Quotes On Failure For Divorced People

When it comes to life after you file for divorce (or have it filed on you), failure is one of the biggest concerns you will have. It can freeze you up and keep you from making good decisions — or any decisions at all — in business and your personal…

July 7th, 2014 Divorce Advice

Civility: The Key To A Peaceful Divorce

Recently, Huffington Post shared a crowd-sourced list of the 10 crucial questions to ask before deciding to file for divorce. In the short listing, there were some really good responses, including these gems: Do I honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with this person as my companion?;…

April 30th, 2014 Divorce Advice

Covert Ops: How To Pre-Plan Your Divorce

Every relationship is different, as are the reactions of people when they discover that their spouse wants to file for divorce. If you’re the one planning the getaway, dealing with irrational behaviors and a desire for revenge from your spouse can be made doubly worse when you haven’t done appropriate…

March 21st, 2014 Divorce Advice, Divorce Process

When You Lash Out, You Lose: Here’s Why

In a recent article for Divorce Magazine, Robert Mizrahi, founder and president of Chaos Commandos Professional Organizers, of White Plains, New York, detailed his six tips for how to behave in the event that your spouse has betrayed you. Mizrahi urges individuals thinking of divorce papers not to jump right…

January 22nd, 2014 Divorce Advice

Should You Ever Re-Marry Your Spouse?

Pamela Anderson and Rick Salomon were married in 2007, but decided to file for divorce after just two months of marriage. On Sunday evening, Anderson announced the two were back together and had already gotten married. Those close to Anderson weren’t likely to be surprised considering an earlier appearance on…

January 6th, 2014 Divorce Advice

Family Divorce Advice: How To Know Whether You Should Listen Or Ignore

It seems like you can’t open up a web browser these days without first reading about Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom’s marital woes — he, an apparent drug addict, and she, from a family where the marriage success rate doesn’t appear to be all that good. (Khloe’s sister Kim Kardashian…

October 9th, 2013 Divorce Advice, Marriage Problems & Advice

Divorce Revenge: 3 Cases That Show Why You Should Avoid It At All Costs

Divorce revenge is a very natural desire in the healing process, especially when your anger is justified. But it gets unnatural when you follow through on it by doing some of the actions these people did. Not only will it do nothing to improve your current situation, it could also…

August 21st, 2013 Divorce Advice, Life After Divorce

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