Co-parenting after one of you decides to file for divorce can be tricky business. After all, it’s not just your own happiness that is at stake. It’s the peace and tranquility of your children, which can turn on a dime when you decide to start dating. For starters, your child…
When a person decides to file for divorce, it can be a liberating thing. But too often, people stay in unhappy marriages “for the kids” and do things that they think will “keep up appearances,” when in reality they could be teaching their children a warped view of personal relationships.…
Huffington Post contributor Michelle Martin recently highlighted the reasons that she decided to stay single while she was raising her son. This is a struggle that many parents who’ve at some point decided to file for divorce must face. Is it worth bringing in a second parental figure, who’s not…
One of the major points of contention when couples decide to file for divorce is child custody. While one ends up as the custodial parent under normal circumstances and another is left to pay for child support, it’s never as simple in practice as it is in theory. This is…
As a parent who has decided to file for divorce or a parent who has been filed against, few things are more painful than hearing your child say they would rather live with your ex. It’s hard not to take that as an affront to your ability, but it’s also…
After you’ve decided to file for divorce, you may not immediately be thinking about a new serious relationship. However, you’ll get there and when you do, it can be challenging to navigate dating with your responsibilities as a parent. The sooner you realize these five truths, the easier it will…
Children whose parents have decided to file for divorce often get a lot of unwanted sympathy. While the rest of the world feels sorry for them, they tend to be more resilient through the lessons learned from their parents’ split. While it isn’t always true, and children of divorce do…
When you decide to file for divorce, we can help you speed up the process and spend less money. But there are certain things you’ll still want to consult an attorney on, particularly when it comes to relocating your children. In a recent article for Huffington Post, contributor Caroline Choi…
When mom and dad decide to file for divorce, it can make life incredibly difficult on the children. Kids start to feel like they share some guilt in the breakup, even though that isn’t the case. And as you attempt to get your own life on track, it’s possible to…
Children are very simplistic in how they think about the roles of Mom, Dad, and family, for the most part. There is kind of a Mother Nature default that causes a child to expect two parents in order to feel stable. When one of you decides to file for divorce,…