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Common Myths About DivorceThere is a lot of misinformation out there regarding the decision to file for divorce. The moment many people hear you plan to file, they automatically become a bigger expert on your situation than you. While it’s certainly true that divorce can be trying, painful, and difficult, there are a lot of un-truths that need to go away because they pre-condition you to expect the worst. And if you expect the worst, it’s hard to stay positive. Here are the most common myths that we’ve heard regarding the decision to file divorce papers.

It Has To Be Painful.

While many spouses are unable to control their anger and hurt at the prospect of getting served, a majority of couples are capable of working together toward an amicable divorce. Keeping emotions in check, making decisions that are best for any children involved, and dealing fairly on the division of assets and liabilities, are all things that mature adults do every day. In fact, at MyDivorcePapers, this situation describes our clients almost exclusively. They come here because they understand that an attorney doesn’t have to be present for a fair and amicable solution. In fact, hiring an attorney often leads to the exact opposite result, but more on that later.

It Has To Be Expensive. 

You’ve heard all the “judge gave her everything and gave me nothing” jokes as well as the “my divorce wiped me out financially” comments. If you hire an attorney and go to trial, it’s true that you can expect to pay thousands and thousands of dollars. However, pursuing a do-it-yourself divorce option can get two open-minded spouses through the divorce process relatively unscathed. While assets and liabilities may be divided in a fair and equitable way, the hefty sum of having an attorney prepare your forms can be reduced to a total price of less than $200. Our service, in particular, charges just $159 for guaranteed-current forms that you can fill out and file on your own.

It Has To Be Time Consuming.

Divorce waiting periods differ depending on the state, but the part that actually involves your participation can be handled in less than an hour (45 minutes to be exact). Using MDP as an example, once you access the forms in your area, you simply answer a series of interview questions. The answers will automatically populate the paperwork, and in roughly 45 minutes, you’ll have the completed papers ready to print out and take to the courthouse.

You Absolutely Must Have A Lawyer.

Attorneys have nothing to gain by a quick and amicable divorce in which the spouses agree to everything. While most attorneys will listen and work with you to get the outcome you and your spouse want, there are some that you have to watch out for who hope to keep the conflict — and the bill — running as long as possible.

Bottom line: if you and your spouse know what you want from the divorce — if you can work together and communicate for an amicable solution — none of these common divorce myths have to be true in your situation.

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