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Positive Truths About DivorceDivorce is often looked at as a tragedy, and it can be in a certain context. But for those who learn to persevere, it’s a truly powerful, positive, and uplifting thing. In fact, you may find that the person you emerge as is much more likable and successful than the one you were before. But you only get there by learning the positive truths that come from a divorce. There are four.

1. It frees you to be the person you want to be.

Many people enter marriage trying to live up to someone else’s standard. You see this when people get married too young, or they feel trapped by the emotional/physical/mental abuses of their significant others. But once you have the strength to walk away from a bad marriage, you start to realize that you’re still alive, and what you thought was the worst thing ever, didn’t kill you. And if you’re still alive, then you must be a very strong person capable of so much more than you ever gave yourself credit for.

2. It helps you find strengths that you never thought you had. 

When many people walk out of a bad marriage, they use it as an opportunity to push themselves into fun and interesting new life directions. In my own case, I became an entrepreneur and stopped working for other people. Others jump out of planes or take karate or continue their education. As a survivor, I think it’s safe to say that nothing would have been possible for people like me under our old ways of life. By stepping out on a limb, you, too, can find your strengths and land at a place that makes you happy.

3. It can actually be a role model for your children when it comes to how you should live life. 

Many people worry about how their children will take coming from a divorced household, and the truth of the matter is, it can be difficult. For a time. But how long it stays that way has a lot to do with how you handle it. If you want your kids to believe they can still be happy as a child of divorce, then model for them how they can be happy through the example of your own life. Use your divorce to teach them they should give their best to others and expect others’ best in return.

4. It will show you who your true and closest friends are.

I had a lot of friends pre-divorce that I don’t have any more. My list was slashed considerably, but the people I was left with, are the greatest people in the world. Divorce will bring out your true friends as surely as it reveals the imposters. Focus on friends, and you’ll be grateful for the life you lead.

What were some positive truths that emerged from your divorce that we failed to mention here? Sound off in the comments section.

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