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Divorce appEach and every one of the 50 states has its own divorce laws. Many can be difficult to process and understand due to the fact that many have clauses and finicky details that only those who have been entered into the bar association can properly navigate.

Being in this digital and technological age means that computers, cell phones, tablets, and the like, help us sift through pretty much anything in our daily lives now. Thanks to the search engines and the ability to have the internet in our pockets on a daily basis, we aren’t too far away from knocking on the door for the right information. So, it’s only natural that the great powers that be have designed an app that will help you gain the key to get in.

Calculating Divorce

The people over at have engineered a multitude of applications that allow you to easily understand certain family law procedures and help you with many things after the divorce is finalized. These apps can help you answer specific questions about how certain things are worked out during a divorce. For example, many people do not know that child support and custody are often based on formulas. the app can calculate approximate figures for the user, making it easier for them to properly budget. The Child Support Calculator is based on statutory guidelines, but there are also variables that can influence the court’s final decision in some cases.

Your New Best Divorce Friend

Other calculators can help you do an inventory of marital assets. The divorce apps also have a Divorce Journal to help users properly keep track of any details that may influence their case, including the ability to collect and document evidence of abuse. One of the most important things to do while going through a divorce is to have complete and thorough documentation of everything that occurs during the proceedings and also after the divorce is finalized; spouses can never be too careful.The apps allow users to track email exchanges, record child support and alimony payments as well as track the time spent with their children.

The apps are aptly named Estate Divider and ParenTime, available through the Apple App Store at $0.99 and $2.99 respectively. Bringing divorce into the 21st Century is something that apps like these aim to do. With everything being provided for the customer through, and now apps like this easing the transition into single life for parents and spouses, the process really has become that much easier to handle.

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