There’s nothing funny about filing for divorce. It’s a long, arduous journey with many twists and turns of emotions along the way to what will be a new life. Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. Here are 15 of the best divorce cakes ever baked.
1.) The Ball and Chain
The design may be simple but what it lacks in detail, it makes up for in symbolism.
2.) Get off of my Cake!
Here’s one of many fun takes on the traditional wedding cake.
3.) The Divorce Paper Cake
It may not be an actual cake, but that doesn’t make it any less of a divorce cake! This “cake” is make entirely out of California divorce papers.
4.) Groom Doom
If we had to guess, we would say this marriage didn’t end in an uncontested divorce.
5.) The Wicked Groom of the West
This Wizard of oz inspired divorce cake literally takes the traditional wedding cake and turns it on its head!
6.) A Broken Heart
The broken heart cake takes a more classy and subtle approach to the usually over-the-top divorce cake.
7.) The War of Roses
Yet another divorce cake where we can assume the marriage did not end well.
8.) Sorry About the Divorce Dude
Guys are notoriously bad with emotions. This cake is no exception to that rule.
9.) Will Work for Food
This cake may be our favorite. The homeless divorcee.
10.) Different Hearts
Even a child could understand this divorce cake. It’s one of the cuter cakes on this list as well.
11.) Heading for the Goal
Even soccer lovers file for divorce, and when they do, their cakes involve kicking their ex-husband’s head into a goal.
12.) Taking out the Trash
Nothing would make a recent divorcee happier than to throw their ex husband in the trash.
13.) Bury the Hatchet
And by bury the hatchet, we mean bury your ex-husband.
14.) The Marriage is Dead
Never before has a cake held so much symbolism. The ring is the casket is quite a nice touch to this divorce cake.
15.) Burning Marriage License
Finally, the most creative divorce cake we could find was this burning marriage license cake. They may have filed for divorce in Texas, but they’re burning the marriage papers in California.