MyDivorcePapers Blog

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Post-Divorce Observations: The Bright SideAfter you have decided to file for divorce, you’re going to find that many things about life are different, and not always in a bad way. In fact, once the initial sting of the breakup fades, you’ll start to see the world through other lenses. In a recent Reddit thread, divorced people shared a lengthy and humorous list regarding what life had become after finalizing their divorce papers. Here are some of our favorite responses.

1. Toilet paper lasts FOREVER.

2. The inside of my microwave doesn’t look like an exploded bowl of chili … ever.

3. Even though a chunk of my paycheck goes to alimony and child support I seem to have a lot more disposable income. Then again the missus did manage the money before.

4. We lived paycheck-to-paycheck for 18 years, I am talking $10 left in the account right before next payday. Now that she is gone I have the same standard of living on half the income and I am able to save a few hundred each paycheck. I find this to be beyond bizarre. I have no idea where that money went.

5. I finally have two-ply toilet paper for the first time in 18 years.

6. Drinking is fun again.

7. Walking around the supermarket is a bliss now.

8. Weekends are mine…. all mine.

9. Friends love me again.

10. Not finding empty beer cans all over the house.

11. A kitchen sink that can be used as a sink (no longer dirty dish storage).

12. No more laundry baskets full of clean clothes sitting next to empty dresser.

13. The living room floor is devoid of dirty socks.

There are more, but a word of warning: some are NSFW.

We share these with one express purpose — to show you that after the heartache is gone, there will be a lot of things to look forward to, both big and small. When your divorce forms are final, you finally have a chance to set the tone for the rest of your life. You can make it what you want it to be and look for spouses that hold similar interests. If you’re considering this decision, good luck to you, and remember to keep looking forward!

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